Sidebars (Widget Area Customization)

Loyde defines 6 widget areas (i.e. sidebars):

  • Primary
  • Child Pages
  • Case Studies
  • Team Members
  • Events

Widgets are managed at WP admin -> Appearance -> Widgets. It's possible to add or remove widgets in certain widget areas, as well as configure them.

Intended purpose of Loyde-defined widget areas

Before going into details, it's import to note that the widget areas names indicate just intended usage. Each widget area can be selected for any post type, if so desired. Details will be explained below.


Intended to be displayed on Blog archive (blog listing) and single blog posts.

Child Pages

This widget area doesn't have a strictly defined purpose. One example where it can be used: on case study posts, because part of their sidebars will be already taken by the case study meta data.

Case Studies

Intended to be displayed on Case Study archive (case studies listing) and single case study posts.

Team Members

Intended to be displayed on Team Members archive (case studies listing) and single team member posts.


Intended to be displayed on Events archive (events listing) and single event posts.

Choosing widget area for a post type (blog, case study, ...)

It's possible to select widget area for an entire post type (e.g. for blog). Different widget areas can be selected for the post type archive, as well as for the single post. This will be illustrated on the example of Blog.

To select widget area for blog archives:

  1. Go to WP admin -> Loyde -> Theme Options -> Blog
  2. Choose the desired widget area in the "Choose Widget Area" field.

To select widget area for all single blog posts:

  1. Go to WP admin -> Loyde -> Theme Options -> Blog -> Single Post
  2. Choose the desired widget area in the "Choose Widget Area" field.

Override global settings, and choose widget area for an individual post

It's possible to choose widget areas on a post-by-post bases. Again, this will be illustrated on the example of Blog.

To select widget area for a single blog post:

  1. Open the desired blog post in editor
  2. Locate the box "Choose Widget Area" in the editor
  3. Inside the box, select the desired widget area in the "Desired Widget Area for the Current Page" dropdown.