Featured File Widget

Featured File widget offers a way to create a small "download center". It's possible to upload up to 5 files/documents from the website's Media section.

The most common scenario is linking documents (PDF files, sheets, office documents, ...). But technically, there is no restraint regarding the fields which can be selected from the Media section and used as targets.


Widget fields:

  • Widget Title
  • Display Text:
  • five "Featured File URL" boxes.

Each "Featured File URL" boxes has:

  • Featured File URL field, which is showing path to the selected document
  • "Select or Uplad File" button, which is used for selecting (or initially uploading) the document
  • Checkbox "Select or Upload File Force Download?'. If this is checked, it will configure the document link, so the download immediately starts after clicking it. This is useful because some browsers by default don't start downloading the document, but attempt to pen it (e.g. in another browser tab).