

To add a button to the page, use the Button WPBakery element, added by Loyde.

How to choose the button style

There are 4 possible button styles:

  1. Primary button
  2. Secondary button
  3. Ghost button
  4. Text link


  1. Add a Button instance to the edited page or post
  2. Open the Settings for the added element
  3. Under the "General" tab, locate the "Style" dropdown field
  4. Select the desired style and save changes.

How to choose a link for the button

By default, buttons won't have any link attached. In this case, clicking the button won't have any effect. But it's possible to choose a link for the button.


  1. Add a Button instance to the edited page or post
  2. Open the Settings for the added element
  3. Under the "General" tab, locate the "URL (Link)" field
  4. Enter or select the desired URL and save changes.

How to point the button to a file from the Media section

Apart from URLs, buttons can also point to a Media section file. In this case, clicking the button would download the file (or open it in a new tab, depending on the browser).


  1. Add a Button instance to the edited page or post
  2. Open the Settings for the added element
  3. Under the "General" tab, locate the "Media Library File URL (Link)" field
  4. Select the desired file from the Media section and save changes.

How to choose an icon which will be displayed in the button


  1. Add a Button instance to the edited page or post
  2. Open the Settings for the added element
  3. Open the "Icon" tab
  4. Select the desired icon family, under the "Icon library" dropdown
  5. In the "Icon" field choose the desired icon
  6. Save changes.

How to apply primary & secondary accent color to the element

See description here.

How to apply a basic styling, which applies to the element as a whole

See description here.